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Last Update 2 jaar geleden

Payment Integration


The PayPal integration gives your users the ability to pay via PayPal on your website.

  1. Go to PayPal Developer Console and Login to your account after clicking the Log into Dashboard button
  2. Go to REST API apps section and click the Create App button.
  3. Add your own details for the new app and create it.
  4. Switch to Live by clicking the button near your new App's Name.
  5. Copy the Client ID and Secret.
  6. Go to your Admin Panel -> Settings -> Payment Settings and enter the Client ID and Secret keys.
  7. Make sure to also switch the Mode to Live and Submit the new settings.


The Stripe integration gives your users the ability to pay via Stripe on your website.

  1. Go to Stripe Dashboard and Login to your account.
  2. Go to Stripe API Keys page.
  3. Make sure your API keys are set to Live Mode so that you can accept real payments.
  4. Copy the Publishable key and Secret key.
  5. Go to your Admin Panel -> Settings -> Payment Settings and enter the Stripe key and Stripe Secret.


The Paystack integration gives your users the ability to pay via Paystack on your website.

  1. Go to Paystack Dashboard and Login to your account.
  2. Login to your dashboard, To get your api keys go to Settings, then Settings > Api & webhooks


The Flutterwave integration gives your users the ability to pay via Flutterwave on your website.

  1. Go to Flutterwave Dashboard and Login to your account.
  2. Go to Flutterwave API Keys page.


The Razorpay integration gives your users the ability to pay via Razorpay on your website.

  1. Go to Razorpay Dashboard and Login to your account.
  2. Go to Razorpay API Keys page.


The Paytm integration gives your users the ability to pay via Paytm on your website.

  1. Go to Paytm Dashboard and Login to your account.
  2. They are available in the Credentials panel or from your Mercado Pago account in Your Business > Settings > Credentials.


The Skrill integration gives your users the ability to pay via Skrill on your website.

  1. Go to Skrill Dashboard and Login to your account.
  2. They are available in the Credentials panel or from your Skrill account in Your Business > Settings > Credentials.

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